divendres, 29 de febrer del 2008

Nice Sunny Day Skiing

It has past 10 years since the last time I went snowboarding which was in the Big White mountains in Canada. So long overdue we decided to hit the slopes and had a good time. This time we could not convince anyone to go with us, but we decided to rent skies and go anyway. We went to a place called Port del Compte, close to the Piriniis mountain range, and I decided to keep learing snowboard, since I had only done two times before and Anna who has more experience decided to go on skiis. It was a beautiful sunny day and the snow was somewhat hard, which was very good for people who like speed, but no too good for learners like me who have a close relationship with the ground, I mean, butt-ground type of relationship. So after falling a few times, I did not think that the snow was “that good” for snowboarding and two weeks later I still have what is called “pain in the butt” type of memory of that day. Above all we had a good time and I got to refresh the snowboarding skills that I had once learned. Let’s see with the next time we can get some people to join us!